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Support your scene. Support your local scene. Go to the local show that your friend has been begging you to go to. Share your friends art on social media. Support your friends in their pursuits. Support your local venue. Support live music in general, it will die without you. Support live production, go to that musical a couple of friends are in. Go see your friend's shit band. So what if they're shit? It cost you a fiver, and to your friend it's priceless. Support the girl doing make-up tutorials on YouTube, share her videos so people who don't know her might watch them. Share your friend's blog, even if you don't take an interest.

Go to a local show with a friend when you don't know the bands. Support the promoters who work tirelessly to just break even putting on gig after gig after gig. Support your local grassroots football team, before they go bust because they can't pay the electricity bill. Go to the next charity festival, and drag your friends down. Buy a cake, buy a badge, give something and feel damn good about it. Your travel and tickets might cost money, but your time is priceless. So when you give that time to others, you might understand how much it means to them. Support your local fucking scene, don't you dare let it die.

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